Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yay for the Good News!!!

Well, we made it!! James was born on December 4th at 7:45 pm. (Yes, that is 6 days late!) It went pretty well though. I was scheduled to be induced the next day, but he decided that he wanted to come earlier! I was glad that I went into labor because I really did not want to be induced. Anyway, we went in Thursday morning and everything was looking good. Then we hit about 6pm and I had not made any progress and my body stopped having contractions. The doctor looked at all of the different options and after 6 hours of no change he decided that we needed to do a C-section. It looks like I take after my mom in that my bones just won't move to fit a baby through. I was very dissapointed that we had to do that, but when the doctors were taking him out I felt very reassured. They said the cord was wrapped around his neck 2 times and that he was 10 lbs 2 ounces! We are just grateful that he is strong and healthy. I am recovering well now too. James is a little backwards with his slepping schedule--he sleeps all day and is awake all night!

Despite the long nights and soreness, it has been a wonderful adjustment to make in our lives. We just feel so grateful that we were blessed with this beautiful child. He has us all wrapped around his little fingers! We love him so much.

Here are some pictures and a video for your delight :)


Jenna and Drew said...

Congratualtions you guys!!! He is so adorable! Tawnya, I'm so glad that you're feeling well and that things went good. It's so nerve racking having a baby, but then they come and you know that it was all worth it! Congrats again!!!

Dawson n' Co. said...

Yay! He looks like daddy! Congratulations Stinker!!!

Julie said...

He is so cute!! Congrats on the baby boy!!!
I'm glad everything went well!!!!

Kate said...

Tawnya he's adorable!!! Congrats!!

I wish I could say c-sections get easier, but they don't. Take your time and take things easy.

He's beautiful!! Glad everyone's recovering nicely.

Mandi said...

10 LBS!!! Holy cow! You are amazing. Glad he is here and safe. Enjoy him while he is "small" time flies and I am finding myself 3 weeks away from Kenna's first birthday. Where did the time go? Congrats!

Meg Ruth said...


So fantastic. Someday I hope to have a cute chubby baby too. You two are so lucky!

Let me know ifyou need anything!

Blake said...

congrats! He looks huge! Emily and I hope to see you guys soon!

Brett said...

Congratulations you guys!!! And Kyle, I think you really have a future in play by play commentary. . . that was the most energetic commentary I've heard!!! Seriously, such a cute baby, Stephanie, Hyrum, Baby Partridge, and I are so happy for you!

Joseph and Lianna Quillen said...

Delight indeed! thank you for the pictures, he is adorable. But now you need to keep more coming! Congrats!!!