Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day Trip!

Kyle had to do some research at the Smithsonian, so we decided to make a day of it. The weather was uncooperative, but we bundeled up and James was a good sport. So this is what we saw.

Secondly, I got a pie dish. If you have a pie dish you need to make a pie! Here is my first pie that I baked all by myself. Tasted great and looked...ok. Side note: I LOVE this kitchen.

Lastly, since I have a serious addiction to taking videos of James here is one that I thought was funny. He was so wound up so his solution was to pace and yell.


Tess said...

YUM! I want some pie! Look at your domestic prowess! And the trip looks like fun! Minus the rain. I know I've said this before, but James really is a mini version of Kyle! I love the video...I kept waiting to hear you laugh at him. It's so funny and he's SO agile!!

Carolyn said...

I love the pictures! The Smithsonian would be a fun place to visit. And your pie looks great! I'm glad you love your kitchen.

I hope you guys are doing well!