Saturday, June 25, 2011

Welcome Baby William!

Yes, the time finally came! Actually, William came right on his due date! That was a nice surprise. My water broke at about 1:30 am and he was born at 1:18pm weighing 10 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Maybe I will post the whole story later...I thought I would just get pictures up right now, but if you are dying to hear the whole birth story right this minute call me! I will tell you! To keep it short, I labored for 12 hours, including 2 hours of pushing, then after no progress and a very stuck head I got a c-section. All of my questions about what my body can do were answered in the experience and I feel at total peace with how things turned out, even though I really wanted a regular birth. I am grateful that everything worked out the way it did and I feel very blessed. Most importantly we feel an overwhelming love and gratitude for this beautiful baby. We love him so much. So here are some highlights from the last week.  

This is a day or two before he was born. Man, was I tired. And yes, that is a basketball under Kyle's shirt....its still too small!

Here are my two labor supporters (Kyle and my Mom). I wouldn't have been able to get so far without them. 

Proud big brother. James really loves little William and is anxious to hold him and to take care of him
and to share with him! 

First family picture with our new little one.

I think I have this exact picture of James...I think they look so much alike!

First outing to doctors appointment at 4 days old.

We are so glad to have him finally here. So far he is a very sweet and mild baby. He sleeps really well at night, so much that I think I am resting better than I was the last month of pregnancy! He is mellow and happy and sleepy. He's growing and eating a lot! I am recovering really well and I'm so grateful to have my mom and Dan here to help take care of the house and the meals and James (and to keep us entertained:)) It has made this recovery so much better. What a blessing! 


Carolyn said...

Congratulations, Tawnya and Kyle! William is darling and I'm so glad he's here. I'm glad you have help there, and I'm glad he's sleeping well for you so that you can recover and get some rest. Congratulations on a beautiful baby! I miss you and your family.

Tess said...

More, more, more! I LOVE seeing these pictures. That one of you, your mom, Kyle, and William is particularly telling of the miracle of birth. I looooooove little William. He is too cute and it is like flashbacks for me of when James was born...except that I didn't get to come visit in the hospital! I am glad you're home and happy. I LOVE YOU!!! Oh, and that first picture is absolutely crazy. The human body is seriously amazing.

Amy Lee Scott said...

!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!! He is wonderful (and so are you!)

Stephanie said...

YAY! Congratulations and have fun with your two little men!

Dawson n' Co. said...

Congratulations sis. Can't wait to meet my brand new nephew!